Disclamer! Reading this set of letters might make you want to wash your brain out with soap. Imagine a not-too-distant future where we grow beef, pork, and chicken meat on farms. Only muscle tissue, no nervous systems. In that future, what's to stop us from growing human meat on them? Slightly modified so that it contains, for example, vitamin C. For our immune system it will be the perfect product, the chance of allergies is almost zero, which means it can be eaten by anyone and is easy to digest. Imagine a couple of people in love on a date, languidly looking at each other, munching on hamburgers with pleasure. And in the burgers is the meat of each other. Imagine a your girlfriend resenting you because you still miss your ex's meat. Or her resentment because you're already used to her taste and no longer smacking with pleasure while eating her The elderly stranger, good-naturedly patting the smiling little boy's hair, asks warmly: "Whose meat do you like better, Mommy's or Daddy's?" And the boy hesitates to answer and looks slyly at his parents, afraid to make a choice. And if capitalism is still around in this future, you can find a new super popular brand of "mommy meat" on store shelves. And the box is designed to evoke some kind of nostalgia. A house in the countryside, sunshine, fields, nature, a smiling kind woman in very simple clothes to work on the farm. The "genius" founder of the startup decided to share the taste of his loved ones' meat with the world, of course, in order to earn his own mountain of cocaine. As well as diet meat for weight loss. "Daughter's Meat. On the box is a cute and energetic skinny girl in a tight office suit, a kind and wry smile to one side and a confident gait, her hair developing in the wind, the sky with beautiful white clouds. In the background are mirrored office buildings. And the play of light in the reflecting surfaces. Or you could also sell through sex. Sex sells great. The meat of a hottie. And there's a girl in her underwear on the package. I got the idea a year ago. And until now, I was really glad I forgot about it, but your video reminded me... thanks, man. I'm going to go wash my brain from the inside out again. I feel like it's going to be cannibalistic anyway.

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